
  1. OSP4DISS Website
    It has most of the information you need for this course such as a step-by-step guide on how to complete weekly tasks.
  2. OS10 Slides
    Useful slides that cover the entirety (I think?) of this course learning materials.
  3. Pull and Push from/to GitHub
    The 4 Git Mantras.
  4. Mounting a Disk
    You need to manually mount the disk everytime you reboot.
  5. C Dynamic Memory Allocation
    Informations on memory allocation methods (malloc, calloc, realloc, free).
  6. Why and How Facebook Go Down?
    Unrelated to the current week’s learning materials but I found this really interesting (and pepega).
  7. Concurrency Explained
    “Concurrency is multiple computations running simultaneously”.
  8. Deadlock Explained
    Deadlock explained in a 5 minutes video.
  9. LFF v11.0 Full Guide
    Official LFF Guide for version 11.0.
  10. $LFS Check
    Always do a check before doing something that uses $LFS in it.
  11. LFS 11.0 Video Guide
    A guide on how to do LFS 11.0 from start to finish.